The Year of the FIRE MONKEY 2016
get ready folks as things are going to move FAST now...
Monkey is the 9th animal in 12 zodiac signs. Monkey is after 8th Sheep and before 10th Chicken. Monkey is the animal in the first of Metal Cycle. Monkey, Chicken and Dog are in the cycle of Metal. Our Chinese horoscope prediction combines the theory of Five Elements, the relationships betweens animal signs and the image meaning of I-Ching hexagram.
The prediction for 2016 Year of Monkey is based on your birth year, the Chinese zodiac signs. We have different forecasting method for 2016 using your entire Chinese astrology birth chart, which is required your birthday and birth time. You can find the hyperlink in the end of the prediction.
According to Chinese Five Elements Horoscopes, Monkey contains Metal and Water. Metal is connected to gold. Water is connected to wisdom and danger. Therefore, we will deal with more financial events in the year of the Monkey. Monkey is a smart, naughty, wily and vigilant animal. If you want to have good return for your money investment, then you need to outsmart the Monkey. Metal is also connected to the Wind. That implies the status of events will be changing very quickly. Think twice before you leap when making changes for your finance, career, business relationship and people relationship.
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