Friday, March 22, 2013

Feng shui and COMPASS method by Roshandra

Feng shui by design and the compass Method by Roshandra

there are many approaches to feng shui and the art of placement but until one begins to study and apply the principles 

of the COMPASS feng shui the Elements ONLY then come into Balance in a Home or Office Design.

We are on a North South grid and when you look at the Compass plaement of this system over a house as a template or office the Ba Gua offers a very New and yet Ancient Perspective on how to arrange those key eight areas of Wisdom and Life.

The Ba Gua is this TOOL and COMPASS aligns one within the Heavenly Mansions and the Stars.  My work also offers Ley Line discussion and clearing of existing energy grids or homes.
Workring with this method creates Sanctuary in home and the Soul of a house is felt.  In a private Executive office this kind of consultation producers MAGIC of the good kind for Creating and Manifesting Successes in Business.  

For Services on line long distance or in person Please contact

theartofcentering@yahoo.comNamaste  The Art of Centering     

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Butterfly Symbolism by Design by Roshandra

Butterfly SYMBOL by Design by Roshandra   FENG SHUI consulting and Designer

Notice in this DESIGN the room is Anchored with this lovely symbolic carpet image of the BUTTERFLY.   This represents Transformation and in the ENERGY of the changes going on a COSMIC level now this also symbolizes the DARK RIFF and the Butterfly portal of Change and spreading our WINGS...the colors too are very esoteric and will be of the BLUE ray energy....

All this impacts and influences our subconscious minds and this is how DESIGN and FENG SHUI can work in a personal environment or space when the designer and feng shui practitioner takes the client to the next level.   IT creates an AMBIANCE of both Spiritual and day to day Beauty in Living spaces.

             Please do email if you would like to work in this manner and with organizing your life living space into the realm of Spiritual space....they both can connect.

 Namaste Roshandra *
 The Art of Centering